Back in the Saddle

Back in the Saddle
The guys are back! Don’t remember who we’re talking about? Mitchell Hora is a row crop producer in southeast Iowa, where he farms 800 acres with his dad. Zach Johnson is a fifth generation corn and soybean farmer in central Minnesota, who also farms with his father. He’s known to many in the ag world as the Minnesota Millennial Farmer. In our first episode of Season 2, the guys catch up about how things went for them last year. Mitchell touts all of the experiments he and his dad are trying and their plans to up the number of crops they’re growing in 2020. Zach tells us how the rainy spring and fall created challenges on his 2,500 acres, and the two discuss some ways to help pick up the extra moisture. Beyond a good old-fashioned catch-up, we hear from a listener, remember the correct way to pronounce wheat (it’s wHH-eat) and look forward to the season ahead!